Prof. Michael Mitzenmacher Wins ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practice Award for "The Power of Two Choices"

June 1, 2021
An image of the Paris Kanellakis Award Winners. Prof. Mitzenmacher is featured second from the right. He has fair skin and dark hair, is wearing a white striped collared shirt, and is looking directly into the camera and smiling.

Harvard Theory of Computation Professor Michael Mitzenmacher, along with Yossi Azar, Andrei Broder, and Anna Karlin, have been named 2020 ACM Paris Kanellakis Theory and Practcice Award Recipients for "the discovery the discovery and analysis of balanced allocations, known as the power of two choices, and their extensive applications to practice. The Balanced Allocations paper and the follow-up work on the power of two choices are elegant theoretical results, and their content will continue to have a demonstrable effect on the practice of computing." 


Read more on the award and its recipients on the ACM Kanellakis Award webpage.