Zhenming Liu

Zhenming Liu received his PhD from Harvard University and a BEng from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He spent two years as a postdoc at Princeton University and two years as a quant researcher in Two Sigma Investments. Since 2016, he has been an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the College of William & Mary.

Dr. Liu’s primary research interest is in the interplay between theory and machine learning. He was awarded two NSF grants and best papers from FAST 2019, SDM 2019 (best data science paper), Infocom 2015 (runner up), and PKDD 2010 (student paper).

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Recent and Selected Publications

Adaptive Reduced Rank Regression
Qiong Wu, Felix M.F. Wong, Zhenming Liu, Yanhua Li, Varun Kanade
NeurIPS, 2020

On Efficient Construction of Checkpoints
Yu Chen, Zhenming Liu, Bin Ren, Xin Jin
ICML, 2020

Dissecting the Learning Curve of Taxi Drivers: A Data-Driven Approach
Menghai Pan, Yanhua Li, Xun Zhou, Zhenming Liu, Rui Song, Hui Lu, Jun Luo
SDM, 2019 (best data science paper award)

DistCache: Provable Load Balancing for Large-Scale Storage Systems with Distributed Caching
Zaoxing Liu, Zhihao Bai, Zhenming Liu, Xiaozhou Li, Changhoon Kim, Vladimir Braverman, Xin Jin, Ion Stoica
FAST, 2019 (best paper award)

Near Neighbor Approach for Learning Random Preferences
Ao Liu, Qiong Wu, Lirong Xia, Zhenming Liu
AAAI, 2019 (full oral presentation)

DeepDecision: A Mobile Deep Learning Framework for Edge Video Analytics
Xukan Ran, Haoliang Chen, Xiaodan Zhu, Zhenming Liu, Jiasi Chen

From Which World is Your Graph?
Cheng Li, Felix M.F.Wong, Zhenming Liu, Varun Kanade
NeurIPS, 2017

Delivering Deep Learning to Mobile Devices via Offloading
Xukan Ran, Haoliang Chen, Zhenming Liu, Jiasi Chen
VR/AR Network@Sigcomm, 2017

On the Efficiency of Social Recommender Networks
Felix M.F. Wong, Zhenming Liu, Mung Chiang
INFOCOM, 2015, (best paper award runner-up), and Journal Version appeared in TON, 2016

Stock Market Prediction from WSJ: Text Mining via Sparse Matrix Factorization
Felix M.F. Wong, Zhenming Liu, Mung Chiang
ICDM, 2014

The Diffusion of Networking Technologies
Sharon Goldberg, Zhenming Liu
SODA, 2013

Distributed Non-stochastic Experts
Varun Kanade, Zhenming Liu, Bozidar Radunovic
NIPS, 2012

Continuous Distributed Counting for Non-monotonic Streams
Zhenming Liu, Bozidar Radunovic, Milan Vojnovic
PODS, 2012

Information Dissemination via Random Walks in D-dimensional Spaces
Henry Lam, Zhenming Liu, Michael Mitzenmacher, Yajun Wang, Xiaorui Sun
SODA, 2012

A Game Theoretic Framework to Identify Overlapping Communities in Social Network
Wei Chen, Zhenming Liu, Xiaorui Sun, Yajun Wang
In PKDD, 2010 (best student paper)

Research Funding

My research group is supported by the following research grants:

  • NSF-2008557: SMALL: III: Combinatorial algorithms for high dimensional learning, sole PI (USD 390k).
  • NSF-1835821: Elements: Software: NSCI: A high performance suite of SVD related solvers for machine learning, coPI (USD 600k).
  • NSF-1755769. CRII: III: Theory and Practice of Learning on Graphs (USD 180k).
  • NEH: Transkribus and the Georgian Papers Programme TabularFormatted Manuscripts, coPI (USD 100k).
  • Activision/Blizzard gift.
  • Rutherford Fellowship at the Alan Turing Institute (UK).